Wow Effect Communications

+234 802 774 0793

The Best Business Advice Ever

Skyline view

There are millions upon millions of business advice. But, beyond the convoluted theories, the best business advice ever can be reduced to a few short sentences:

  • Customers are the most important people in the business- whether they come in person, write to us or telephone.
  • Customers are not dependent upon us- we depend upon them for our living.
  • Customers are not an interruption of our work- they are the purpose of it. They are doing us a favour  by giving us the opportunity to serve to serve them.
  • Customers are not people with whom to argue or match our wits. No one ever won an argument with a customer.
  • Customers are people who come to us because they need certain goods or services. It is our job to provide them in a way profitable to them and to ourselves.
  • Customers are not cold statistics- they are flesh and blood human beings, with emotions and prejudices like our own.
  • Customers are the most important people in this business- without them, there would be no business.

       Very simple set of advice but. the potency is in the simplicity


John Fenton, 101 Ways To Boost Your Performance

+234 802 774 0793
+1 (678) 752-8523651