Wow Effect Communications

+234 802 774 0793


Whiteboard website layout

Marketing Myopia – The Number One Corporate Strategy/Business Failure Factor In Nigeria

First, a bit of background. The concept of marketing myopia was first postulated by Theodore Levitt of Harvard in his landmark 1960 HBR article titled Marketing Myopia. In the article, Levitt asked the now-famous question, \”What business are you really in?\” According to Levitt, failure to answer this question correctly always leads to business failure.

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Digital marketing minds

Our Favourite Digital Marketing Minds In The World

Every field has its authorities (Edward Wittins in Physics, Harold Bloom in Literature, Stanley Hauerwas in Theology to mention but a few). Same is true of the digital marketing field as well. There are a set of people who based on their exhibited expertise, depth of understanding and professional acumen have earned the tag \”authority\”

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Telecoms marketing strategy analysis

Nigeria Telecoms Companies and Marketing: A Breakdown of Their Marketing Strategies & Recommendation

Prior to the advent of GSM in 2001, phone penetration was low to the point of being negligible. Nitel had the monopoly. But all that changed with the GSM revolution brought by the licensing of Econet, Mtel, MTN and the later entry of Glo and Etisalat into the industry. At first, all that was needed

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online marketing

How Nigerian Companies Are Wasting Money On Online Marketing

Nigerian companies are finally embracing online marketing. As someone who has been at the forefront of advocating this paradigm shift, this development should make me happy. Unfortunately, this is not so. My unhappiness with the Nigeria companies\’ new found love for digital marketing stems from the level of mediocrity I see being exhibited by new

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